
A Credit Counselor Versus a Bankruptcy Attorney

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A Credit Counselor Versus a Bankruptcy Attorney

When I was drowning in debt, I knew that soon enough I would need to file for bankruptcy. I simply didn't make enough to cover the amount of debt I had accumulated. However, I was not sure whether I should work with a credit counselor or a bankruptcy attorney. I did a lot of research on the subject and found that there are pros and cons to working with both a credit counselor and a bankruptcy attorney, and that you also had the option of working with both at the same time. Ultimately, I decided to hire the attorney, but that may not be the best option for everyone. I created this website to help you understand what a credit counselor is and what they do, what a bankruptcy attorney is and what they do and how each can help you if you are drowning in debt.


How To Deal With An Inaccurate Police Report After A Car Accident

A car accident is scary and unsettling, even minor car accidents. If you were hit by another car, it can result in both physical and emotional setbacks. If this happens, you may want to consider filing a claim against the negligent driver. To do that, you need to make sure a police report is filed. Once the police report is complete, you need to obtain a copy to file your case.

If for some reason you notice information on the police report is incorrect or if pertinent information is missing, you need to get it corrected. The following are the things you need to know if you need to have a police report corrected:

How Do You Get a Police Report Corrected?

After the accident, you should thoroughly go through the entire report and make sure all the facts are correct and included. A police report is not the only piece of evidence in a car accident case, but it is an important piece of information that can make or break an accident case. Insurance companies use a police report to help them determine how much compensation you should receive, if any at all. If you notice any information that is wrong or missing, you need to contact the police department to get the report changed.

To change the report, you can contact the police yourself. However, it is easier to have your attorney reach out to the police about the report. You may also get your result faster if your attorney does the leg work of getting the report corrected.

Do You Need Proof to Have the Report Changed?

If you have any evidence that proves the report is not completely factual, you can certainly have that ready to show the police. It is not necessarily required to have evidence, but it can help speed up the process of the correction. If you do not have proof, the police officer who took the report will have to spend a lot of time going back over their notes and do additional research to determine if the changes are factual.

What If the Information Is Wrong?

If the report includes details that are completely false and you do not have evidence to back it up, you need to inform your attorney. False information may come from a witness to the accident, a misinterpretation of your own statements, and the like. Any incorrect information needs to be dealt with by your attorney to get the facts correct on the report before you make your claim.

Speak to a car accident attorney to learn more.