
A Credit Counselor Versus a Bankruptcy Attorney

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A Credit Counselor Versus a Bankruptcy Attorney

When I was drowning in debt, I knew that soon enough I would need to file for bankruptcy. I simply didn't make enough to cover the amount of debt I had accumulated. However, I was not sure whether I should work with a credit counselor or a bankruptcy attorney. I did a lot of research on the subject and found that there are pros and cons to working with both a credit counselor and a bankruptcy attorney, and that you also had the option of working with both at the same time. Ultimately, I decided to hire the attorney, but that may not be the best option for everyone. I created this website to help you understand what a credit counselor is and what they do, what a bankruptcy attorney is and what they do and how each can help you if you are drowning in debt.


Affordable Legal Help For Workers' Compensation Problems

Although many workers' compensation claims are trouble-free, some claimants run into problems from time to time. Workers' compensation insurance rules are complex and are governed by each state's board of compensation. Though not a government body, the rights of workers to be paid for injuries are set out in both state and federal law, and third-party insurers are bound by the regulations. When problems occur with claims, hurt workers have resources. Read on to find out more.

Workers' Compensation Problems

While many cases of workplace injury pass without incident, some injured workers are not as lucky. When things do go wrong, the hurt worker is in an especially vulnerable position. They may be hurt and in need of medical treatment that they must pay for themselves. Or they might be unable to work at their jobs because of a workplace injury and now must face economic hardships because of the loss of income.

Workers should not have to go without income or medical treatment. They also should not have to become an expert in the arcane world of workers' compensation law. Fortunately, affordable legal help is available for workers with legitimate workers' compensation cases. It's known as a contingency fee arrangement.

Understanding Contingency Fee Arrangements

This sort of fee arrangement is common in several forms of law. From workers' compensation law to personal injury law and Social Security law, contingency fee arrangements relieve victims of monetary stress. With workers' comp cases, many workers are rightfully owed medical treatment, disability wages, and a settlement. That money will be paid to the hurt worker if they win their workers' compensation case.

However, workers don't have to go through a difficult workers' compensation case on their own. Lawyers who practice workers' comp law often offer contingency fee arrangements to hurt workers having issues with the insurer. When the worker obtains benefits, they are often paid back wages, interest, and a settlement. The money to pay the workers' comp lawyer comes from those funds.

Workers with insurance problems are offered an arrangement that states the amount of money to be paid once the case is over. If the case is not successful, the worker owes nothing to their lawyer. If the case is won, the lawyer is paid a percentage of the settlement or other funds.

This allows workers with no funds to pay a lawyer upfront to access excellent legal help that can make a huge difference in their case. To find out more, speak to a workers' compensation law firm, such as The Dennis Law Firm