
A Credit Counselor Versus a Bankruptcy Attorney

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A Credit Counselor Versus a Bankruptcy Attorney

When I was drowning in debt, I knew that soon enough I would need to file for bankruptcy. I simply didn't make enough to cover the amount of debt I had accumulated. However, I was not sure whether I should work with a credit counselor or a bankruptcy attorney. I did a lot of research on the subject and found that there are pros and cons to working with both a credit counselor and a bankruptcy attorney, and that you also had the option of working with both at the same time. Ultimately, I decided to hire the attorney, but that may not be the best option for everyone. I created this website to help you understand what a credit counselor is and what they do, what a bankruptcy attorney is and what they do and how each can help you if you are drowning in debt.


Top 4 Reasons For Hiring A Car Accident Attorney After An Accident

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), there is a car accident every 60 seconds in the U.S., which translates to around 5.25 million accidents annually. Unfortunately, this means you'll probably get into an accident at one point in your driving career. 

While most accidents have minor consequences, like a busted headlight, some are severe with extensive damage and injuries. During the aftermath of an accident, you're always advised to contact a car accident lawyer. Keep on reading to learn why. 

Compassionate and Professional Guidance

The aftermath of an accident is a period filled with stress and pain. You may have suffered serious injuries from the incident or even the loss of a loved one. Besides, you may be dealing with massive financial implications of car repairs, medical bills, and job loss. 

With all these things on your mind, you need legal guidance to avoid making costly mistakes. A competent lawyer guides you through every step, whether it's gathering evidence, filing a lawsuit, or dealing with your insurer. They'll also be willing to answer all your questions, so you're aware of what is happening in every step. 

Determination of all Potential Damages 

Before filing an insurance claim, you need to know the severity of your injuries or car damage and what amount would qualify as fair compensation. When calculating your compensation amount, you also need to consider various factors like your long-term medical costs, how future earnings are affected, and your current pain and suffering.

Without prior experience handling accident cases, you may end up accepting a lower settlement than what your damages are worth. Luckily, a car accident lawyer has handled other similar cases, which allows them to make accurate estimations. They can even engage an actuary to ensure you're getting what you deserve. 

Determination of Fault in an Accident

You may be involved in an accident in which you're partially at fault but still qualify for damages. Depending on your state, there is a legal rule of comparative fault, where an adjuster proportionally reduces your compensation by your fault in the accident. Your car accident lawyer knows the fault rules that apply in your state. They'll determine if you can still qualify for some compensation, even if you have partially caused the crash. 

Insurance Negotiation

Your lawyer will communicate to your insurer on your behalf. Clients with attorneys that write or speak for them are less likely to have their words twisted in a way that hurts their claims. 

During negotiations, most insurers tend to offer a low amount but enticing settlement hoping that you accept it. Thankfully, a lawyer knows when an offer is fair and when it's appropriate to negotiate for a higher amount. They're also willing to fight for you, even if it means taking the case to court.