
A Credit Counselor Versus a Bankruptcy Attorney

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A Credit Counselor Versus a Bankruptcy Attorney

When I was drowning in debt, I knew that soon enough I would need to file for bankruptcy. I simply didn't make enough to cover the amount of debt I had accumulated. However, I was not sure whether I should work with a credit counselor or a bankruptcy attorney. I did a lot of research on the subject and found that there are pros and cons to working with both a credit counselor and a bankruptcy attorney, and that you also had the option of working with both at the same time. Ultimately, I decided to hire the attorney, but that may not be the best option for everyone. I created this website to help you understand what a credit counselor is and what they do, what a bankruptcy attorney is and what they do and how each can help you if you are drowning in debt.


4 Things Necessary To File A Malpractice Lawsuit

If you've been harmed rather than helped when it comes to any type of medical situation, you may want to pursue legal action against the doctor or staff that caused it. However, there are certain things you must have to substantiate your case and allow you to potentially have success. Being aware of the things that are necessary prior to filing a malpractice lawsuit is certain to be beneficial to you. You'll need to prove the following things to have a case. 

Medical relationship existed

One of the top things that you'll need to do is show that there was a relationship between you and the doctor. Of course, there are many ways you can do this, but one of the best ways is by showing an authorization you may have signed prior to getting treatment.

Other documents you can provide to assist you with this includes medical bills that you may have paid to the provider or receipts you may have.

Treatment wasn't appropriate

It's ideal to make a list of the reasons why your treatment wasn't as you thought it would be. Taking the time to do this is by far one of the most effective ways for you to prove why you're seeking a medical malpractice lawsuit.

Additionally, you could provide photographs of any bruises you may have endured to your body that could significantly benefit your case.

Doctor was negligent

Working to provide the necessary proof that shows the medical provider you used didn't proceed carefully with your condition is one of the top things you'll need to do. Being negligent or failing to act appropriately is the main reason why many lawsuits are filed against a provider.

Suffered damage due to injuries

One of the worst things that may happen to you is if you have increased damages due to any injury you may have sustained during treatment. For instance, if you had brain surgery and are left unable to function in the rest of your life because of an accident, this can be additional damage that could have been prevented.

When you're taking care of yourself, of course you're interested in getting the right type of treatment rather than the wrong medical help. If you've been the victim of medical malpractice, being proactive may allow you to  get the justice you deserve when it comes to a situation of this magnitude. Be certain to work closely with a medical malpractice lawyers in your area today to assist you!